Saturday, November 13, 2010

And so it begins

I'm not sure why I decided to finally stop being a fat ass, but I have.

And after two workouts, I'm not sure if I made the right decision.

I set a goal out of nowhere on Wednesday to run a 5K by my birthday. I found a site called "from couch to 5k" and figured that was right up my alley.

Apparently, I need a "from couch-ridden fat fuck to 5k" workout, because Thursday, I couldn't even complete half of it. I did workout 2 of it today, and did better -- 17 of 20 minutes. But still not great. I think I am going to have to do week 1 twice. I imagine this is what it must have felt like to be held back in the third grade not because you can't quite grasp multiplication and division, but because they are foreign and frightening concepts.

I am thinking my goal might have been a little too aggressive, even though I have about 7 weeks to prepare.

I'm also not sure how frequently I will be updating this blog or why I even started it, except for maybe, on some level, I might actually succeed and look back on how fat I once was. But it most likely will become yet another monument in the failed weight loss shrine that has been my life for the last two decades.

I also took one of those embarrassing, horrible, topless pictures of myself after my first workout Thursday. So here's that for posterity.

I hope I go for day 3 on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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