Monday, February 6, 2012

Every time I feel like I don't want to run...

I need to watch this video. Despite this video being nearly 8 years old, I just saw it for the first time the other day.


Training for OKC half marathon is moving right along. Ran 9.35 miles last Friday. Followed that up today with 6.2 miles.

Still haven't dropped anymore weight. Still sitting at 105 pounds lost. Other than that bit of frustration, everything is fine.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Holiday weight gain ... and loss

I hate that it's been almost a month since I've blogged. I have a new schedule at work, so I'm still trying to adjust to that.

I put on 12 pounds over the holidays unfortunately. However, I have since shed that.

My mom got me a gym membership for Christmas, and yesterday was the first day I missed since I got it. I was deathly ill. Still recovering, and likely won't go tonight. Silver lining: I possibly lost five pounds!

The sickness came a few hours after running 7.77 miles. That's the distance I was at before my injury, and it was the first time I ran that far since the injury.

I have added weight lifting to my routine, lifting on Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays while still running Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays.

I am getting more used to running on treadmills. I still prefer outdoors, and once the weather gets better, I will be back outside in a heartbeat.

I have been using the treadmill to help me on my pace. In fact, the 7.77 miles was the fastest pace since my 5k race, so there is one positive to it.

Nothing else exciting to report.